Articles of association
Art. 1. - Consists of the association called "LUCCA OPERA FESTIVAL". The association has its registered office in Lucca, Corso Garibaldi 1.
"LUCCA OPERA FESTIVAL" is a loose association of fact, non-partisan and apolitical, with a duration until 31 December two thousand and fifty and not-for-profit, regulated under Title III Chapter I, Art. 36 et seq. of the Civil Code and of this Statute.
Art. 2. - The Association "LUCCA OPERA FESTIVAL" pursues the following objectives:
- Spreading the musical culture in the youth and non-;
- Broaden the understanding of musical culture and the arts in general, through contact between people, organizations and associations;
- Convey the love for the music culture and the arts as an asset for the person and social value;
- Act as a meeting place and aggregation in the name of cultural interests fulfilling the social function of maturity and human and civil growth, through the ideal of lifelong learning;
- Enhance the resources of music, art and culture of the area.
Art. 3. - The association "LUCCA OPERA FESTIVAL" to achieve its goals, aims to promote various activities, in particular:
- Cultural activities: staging of operas, concerts, concert - lessons, lectures;
- Training activities: music courses, projects addressed the involvement of young music students.
Art. 4. - The association "LUCCA OPERA FESTIVAL" is open to all those interested in the achievement of institutional goals, they share the spirit and ideals.
- Regular Members: persons or entities that are committed to pay for the entire stay of the associative link, the annual fee established by the Governing Council.
- Members extraordinary: people, organizations or institutions that have contributed in a decisive manner, through their work or their ideal or economic support to the establishment of the association. Are permanent and are exempted from payment of annual dues.
Shares or membership fee shall not be transferable except for transfers due to death and are not subject to revaluation.
Art. 5. - The admission of ordinary members is decided, at the written request of the applicant, the Governing Council.
Art. 6. - All members are required to comply with the provisions of this statute and any rules of procedure, according to the decisions taken by the competent bodies. In the case of dissimilar behavior that is prejudicial to the purposes and assets of the Association, the Council should take action and apply the following sanctions: recall, warning, expulsion from the Association.
Art. 7. - All members of majority have the right to vote for the approval and amendment of the statutes and regulations, and for the appointment of officers of the association. The right to vote can not be ruled out, even in case of temporary participation in community life.
Art. 8. - The resources of the association shall consist of:
- Goods, buildings and furniture;
- Contributions;
- Donations and legacies;
- Reimbursements;
- Marginal activities of commercial and productive;
- Any type of revenue.
The contributions from members consist of the annual membership fees established by the Governing Council, and any extraordinary contributions established by the Assembly, which determines the amount.
Donations in cash, donations and bequests accepted by the Assembly, acting on the use of them, in keeping with statutory purposes of the organization.
And 'forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or surplus funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the use or distribution is required by law.
Art. 9. - The financial year begins on day 1 (one) in January and ends on 31 (thirty) December each year.
The Governing Council shall draw up the budget and the balance sheet.
The budget and final accounts must be approved by the AGM each year, the budget by the end of November and the balance within 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the end of the fiscal year.
It must be deposited at the registered office of the Association within 15 days prior to the session to be consulted by each member.
Art. 10. - The organs of the Association are:
- The shareholders' meeting;
- The Governing Council;
- The President.
Art. 11. - The general assembly is the fundamental moment of confrontation, which would ensure the proper management of the Association, and is composed of all the members, each of which has one vote, irrespective of the value of the share. It is called at least once a year in ordinary session, and in extraordinary session when necessary or would be required by the Council or by at least one tenth of the members.
In the first call the shareholders' meeting is valid if the majority of members, and shall be effective with the majority of those present at the second call the validity irrespective of the number of those present.
The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on first call resolution with the presence and with the favorable vote of the majority of members and on second call the validity irrespective of the number of those present.
The call must be made with public notice notice board situated in the home at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the meeting.
Of shareholders' resolutions must be publicized through the notice board
seat of a report.
Art. 12. - The ordinary shareholders' meeting has the following tasks:
- Appointment of the President;
- Elects the Board of Directors;
- Approve the budget and final accounts;
- Approve the rules of procedure.
The extraordinary shareholders' meeting decides on changes to the bylaws and the eventual dissolution of the Association. The opening of each session, the Assembly elects a chairman and a secretary who shall sign the final report.
Art. 13. - The Board shall be composed of three (3) members elected by the Assembly from among its members. Within its scope shall be elected the president and vice president. The Board of Directors is quorate when there are 2 (two) members. The members of the Governing Council carry out their activities free of charge and shall hold office for three (3) years. The Governing Council may be revoked by the Assembly by a majority of 2/3 (two thirds) of the members.
Art. 14. - The Governing Council is the executive body of the "OPERA FESTIVAL LUCCA." Meets on average 2 (two) times a year and is convened by:
- The President;
- At least 2 (two) of the components, on a reasoned request;
- Written and reasoned request by at least 30% (thirty percent) of the members.
The Governing Council shall have all the powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration. In the ordinary course of its tasks are:
- Prepare the documents to be submitted to the shareholders;
- Formalizing the proposals for the management of the Association;
- Prepare the financial statement must contain the individual items of expenditure and revenue for the period of one year;
- Prepare the budget for the report, divided into individual items, the estimates of expenditure and revenue relating to the exercise next year;
- To determine the amounts of the annual quotas for different categories of members.
Minutes of each meeting shall be prepared by verbal affix enrollment Association.
Art. 15. - The President holds office for three years and is the legal representative of the Association in all respects. He is elected by the General Assembly, the members of the Governing Council and may be re-elected.
He convenes and presides over the Council, signs all acts of administration performed by the Association can open and close bank accounts and post office and proceed to the collections.
It gives members special power of attorney to manage various activities, subject to the approval of the Governing Council.
Art. 16. - The dissolution of the Association is approved by the Extraordinary. The remaining assets of the entity must be donated to association with similar purposes or for purposes of public utility, the control body in art. 3, paragraph 190 of the Act 23.12.96, 662.
Art. 17. - All elected positions are free.
Members only competes for the reimbursement of various expenses regularly documented.
Art. 18. - For matters not covered by this statute, the rules of law in force in a way.
Translation of Hannah Moss e Myra Barrs